Colegiul editorial
Numar curent
Informatii autori
Numarul 1/2013
Volumul 4 (2013), Nr. 1
Aspecte privind utilizarea metodelor numerice la modelarea comportamentului structurilor solicitate la flambaj lateral
Issues concerning lateral - torsional buckling structural behavior simulation in modern F.E.A. approch
Stefan Mocanu
Issues concerning lateral - torsional buckling structural behavior simulation in modern F.E.A. approch
Aspecte privind cernerea materialelor pe ciururile vibratoare I. Probleme privind trecerea materialului prin sita
Aspects of screening materials on the vibrator screens I. Problems with the materials passing through the sleve
Gheorghe Ene, Teodor Sima
Aspects of screening materials on the vibrator screens I. Problems with the materials passing through the sleve
Conformarea structurilor duale supuse actiunilor seismice
Conformation of dual structures subject to seismic actions
Anca Rus, Aurel Ardelea, Carmen Bucur
Conformation of dual structures subject to seismic actions
Edificari la examinarea comportarii la solicitari termomecanice a noi tipuri de aliaje pe baza de nichel (I) (Rene 41)
Instructions of new nickel alloys types (Rene 41) at thermomechanic actions behaviour examination
Indira Andreescu
Instructions of new nickel alloys types (Rene 41) at thermomechanic actions behaviour examination
Evaluarea starii tehnice a unei conducte sub presiune din petrochimie, in scopul prelungirii duratei de viata
Assessment of technical condition of an under pressure pipeline from petrochemical industry, in order to extend its operating time
Viorel Nicolae
Assessment of technical condition of an under pressure pipeline from petrochemical industry, in order to extend its operating time
Influenta inclinarii sinei asupra conditiilor de contact roata-sina
Rail inclination influence on wheel-rail contact condition
Madalina Dumitriu
Rail inclination influence on wheel-rail contact condition
Un studiu asupra relatiei dintre zgomot si violenta domestica
A study on the relationship between noise and domestic violence
Mihaela Picu
A study on the relationship between noise and domestic violence
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